Wednesday, July 14, 2010

FUCK all the tea bagger haters, the coffee party milquetoasts, JUST FUCKING DO IT

I'd like to propose a new party: the DO IT! party. If Adam Sandler allows, we could borrow Rob Schneider for a few election cycles.

There's a lot of stuff about America and the world that are just terrible by any measure. And not everything can be done for everyone all the time, world-without-end, hallalluaja.

But America is still a nation of mind-boggling resources. If we can focus those forces where they need to be to achieve goals, lessen suffering, create jobs, heal the fucking sick, save children, WELL FUCKING DO IT! What, will it make someone mad that you're doing it? Fuck them! Yell FUCK! in their stewpid little faces! Get a fucking badass cabal of lawyers to surround you constantly, protecting you from those that would slow you down enough to control you.

Haiti needs its shit. Shit that we promised, and other shit that we could coordinate & deliver. Here's what you do: gather together the higher-ups in aid organizations that you've established a report with, and tell them the plan. Set clear goals with short time lines. The means to achieve are flexible but the goals are immutable. We're going to do X, Y, and Z and no mother fucking thing is going to stop it, unless someone else has an even better idea that's ready to go right now. Then, after the principles know their tasks & time lines, they go into action and fucking DO IT.

Let's just see how much trouble you'll get into feeding starving kids in Haiti, building them houses and/or finding places for the homeless to live, perhaps with host families. Maybe send a homeless family with the orphan to live with or near the host family. Then give them LOTS of food and clean water, light medical supplies, make sure they know who to contact when they need medical car or police. In fact, they may want quite a few people deputized ASAP.

Here are the goals:
- find everyone places to live
- perhaps send familes along with the orphans to watch out for them
- you find them food! Everyone eats! Every day! Every gets (let's say 2) gallons of water. They may also need some cooking supplies and utensils. Get them! Get them to share amongst one another.
- children are supervised, taken care of, educated, clean, fed, and LOVED!
- also, all children must be given something that is Theirs & theirs only, if they do not have one. Circumstances will dictate what it will be.

Children are divided into relatively sensible age groups, and give separate, SAFE, MONITORED places to play. They will need some sort of social work to keep track of the various complex cases. Teachers would be nice, but teach them anything, they will learn. That social worker is whom a child would go to first (after a parent) if they have some sort of government need. Goals with the children:
- every day a child must wash before eating
- eat two MEALs per day
- the children MUST have the opportunity to earn or otherwise procure snacks
- there will be extended, monitored play hours
- once or twice a day the children will have to stand still and learn something. Preferably something important, but at this point, it's all important.

All of the women are in charge of organizing the work forces. The work forces will contain primarily high schoolers and grown men and women. These work force's goal: every "family" or group gets a house. So there are a few goals here that will need to be tightly coordinated to be most efficient:
- clear some sites to build, find sites that are ready to be built upon,
- get the supplies needed
- a carpenter or bricklayer would be nice!
- build those houses
- wells?
- is there a civil engineer in the house?

Just don't' forget: DO IT. DO IT TODAY for a better tomorrow.
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Monday, May 31, 2010

My Memorial Day

I spent today avoiding everyone I know, ruminating over the meaning of a father who joined the Marines during Vietnam - just to get away from responsibility, my mother, and possibly other things I've never been told of. Since my life is far from perfect, it makes me wonder in which ways I've incorporated this I'd-rather-die-than-stay example into my life.

I remember when my mom picked me up from day care or summer school, whichever it was, and telling he he died. He didn't die in war - he died in a hospital due to some combination of bad luck and bad genes. She was crying & I don't know what I did. I probably cried out of empathy & fear.

I can't say that I've ever met my dad. I have one vague memory of seeing him in a hospital bed, tubes sticking out everywhere. I don't remember any interaction. It feels like either a pre-verbal memory or a dream. My mom has some pictures of him holding me, but that's pretty much that.

What that war and all wars before and since have symbolized for me is an utter and complete breakdown of both sense and bravery. The wars themselves make no sense unless the meaning of "sense" is "money". And it would have been much braver to withstand peer pressure and the powers that be and refuse to have gone.

All of these war movies are written in such a way that every main character gets a chance to be noble about something. To be noble about doing stupid things, contributing to essentially meaningless causes. There was no honor, except for the people that came back or never went. The mothers & grandparents and extended families that take care of the business of life while soldiers go pretend to protect their country on the other side of the world, creating solid profits for military industry and all their parasite organizations, and solidifying a misplaced sense of patriotism.

I want my dad back, and I don't want this day to make me wonder how I'm like him.

Sunday, May 9, 2010

Disjointed, blathering thoughts about this weekend, and unconnected things

That my mother and I are very similar. Frighteningly so. I also have a good dose of my Grandmother in me, and my two uncles are like the two sides of a father I never had.  I totally learned their mannerisms without meaning or wanting to, all these years. I makes we wonder if the realization of this is the end of this phase of my life, the death of childhood? That's the feeling I have growing within me: that there will be several challenges ahead, and they're all doable. There will be a modicum of suffering, but the end result will be a deeper and more fulfilling sense of beauty and contentment.

Monday, May 3, 2010

Jesus Christ, leave New York alone already

I realize you're terrorists & everything, and maybe you're pissed at the residents of Soho, or all the mass media excreted there, at Broadway, at the gays, the hispanics, and mobs of college-age hipsterati, and possibly even a little miffed about the occasional homeless wreck flailing his penis and defecating at you on the subway.

But unlike you, we deal with it, though, with varying degrees of success, it's true. Drugs are a good one, especially mixed with booze. Overprice, high-calorie foodlike ingesteds suffice, escecially when it's some combination of cheese, meat, and leavened bread, and spicy goo. And bacon lollipops. And buzzing popping candy pouches. I suppose we could also exercise until we reach a temporary cartharsis that is shallow and pointless.

But the point is, man, we get a hobby, we hang out with others, we get laid, and occasionally start fistfights. There's really more crying and catharsis than there is pain. What's wrong with you terrorists, eh? Don''t quite have the faith in your beliefs you should? Well, we Americans were born into that state. As a baby, you look around and say: "this party sucks", and try to get away. Of if only we COULD! Sweet release.

You see, Americans are always looking for a reason to have a party. We don't want to talk about politics, much less think about them. The Horror! But we will have people over for drinks while we BBQ and bitch about the world. Notice I don't say: we sit around, serious looks on our faces, plotting a series of attacks against blah blah blah. That could be fun, you know. It doesn't have to be all DIE DIE INFIDEL all the fucking time. For fuck sake, get some originality. You got a problem with someone? Love them TO DEATH. Help them so much that your assistance isn't even required, they get what they want, and go the fuck away.

But even if none of that rambling gets through to you, remember this at least: IF YOU HAVE TO TERRORIZE SOMETHING, SPREAD IT AROUND, YA JACKASSES.

Tuesday, February 23, 2010

May I just say

Can we all stop pretending that this healthcare shit is about anything other than rich v. poor & black v. white? The rich & white would rather die than pay for the healthcare of poor nonwhites. That's all this is about. As Michael Savage would say: period, end of story.

Now the real question is: what's the best policy? Rather: what would be the best thing for the most people in the long term? Is letting people who have the audacity to be poor die slow, pain-filled deaths or live disease-ridden lives be good for society? Should people be terrified at the prospect of getting sick or losing their jobs lest they lose the insurance their families need, and possibly lose their life savings trying to pay for some emergency? Maybe it is, I don't know. But I rather doubt it.

To the people who are moderately comfortable and perceive that they're safe from this type of fate, or simply haven't had anyone they care about go to the poorhouse or die because their insurance dropped them: if you are bitching about the price of healthcare knowing that not doing anything costs lives every single day, then I honestly hope you all the best. Heaven forbid that you suffer the fate you're consigning so many others to.

But if that's how you want to be, why stop there? Why not jump on the what-me-worry, gun-toting, world-ending, tea-bagging bandwagon and slash Medicare, the Veterans Administration, highway maintenance, police and fire budgets, food stamps, subsidized housing, and in fact any government program that might possibly result in someone that's not you directly benefiting.

Take it even further: anything that doesn't pass the Sean Hannity welfare sniff test should be abolished until not one of the undeserving underclass has a dime to their name. Yeah, let that happen. You'll find out quickly that it's easier and cheaper to pay someone else to take care of the needy in bulk than to have the needy get it directly from you. You'll also find that getting a doctor will a slightly more expensive proposition when hospitals don't have many customers and need a private security force to keep out the dying and desperate.

Why would you want to live in a country surrounded by sick and dying people?

You see, the reason we have things like welfare and [a form of] public healthcare is because very intelligent people long ago noticed two things:
  1. not everyone is wealthy, and
  2. people usually will not do the right thing unless compelled to do so.

Likewise, their government will not do the right thing unless compelled by the people. If you don't like the solution then come up with one that's not euthanasia by another name. But if you're not part of the solution, you're part of the problem. Quit being part of the problem.