Wednesday, July 14, 2010

FUCK all the tea bagger haters, the coffee party milquetoasts, JUST FUCKING DO IT

I'd like to propose a new party: the DO IT! party. If Adam Sandler allows, we could borrow Rob Schneider for a few election cycles.

There's a lot of stuff about America and the world that are just terrible by any measure. And not everything can be done for everyone all the time, world-without-end, hallalluaja.

But America is still a nation of mind-boggling resources. If we can focus those forces where they need to be to achieve goals, lessen suffering, create jobs, heal the fucking sick, save children, WELL FUCKING DO IT! What, will it make someone mad that you're doing it? Fuck them! Yell FUCK! in their stewpid little faces! Get a fucking badass cabal of lawyers to surround you constantly, protecting you from those that would slow you down enough to control you.

Haiti needs its shit. Shit that we promised, and other shit that we could coordinate & deliver. Here's what you do: gather together the higher-ups in aid organizations that you've established a report with, and tell them the plan. Set clear goals with short time lines. The means to achieve are flexible but the goals are immutable. We're going to do X, Y, and Z and no mother fucking thing is going to stop it, unless someone else has an even better idea that's ready to go right now. Then, after the principles know their tasks & time lines, they go into action and fucking DO IT.

Let's just see how much trouble you'll get into feeding starving kids in Haiti, building them houses and/or finding places for the homeless to live, perhaps with host families. Maybe send a homeless family with the orphan to live with or near the host family. Then give them LOTS of food and clean water, light medical supplies, make sure they know who to contact when they need medical car or police. In fact, they may want quite a few people deputized ASAP.

Here are the goals:
- find everyone places to live
- perhaps send familes along with the orphans to watch out for them
- you find them food! Everyone eats! Every day! Every gets (let's say 2) gallons of water. They may also need some cooking supplies and utensils. Get them! Get them to share amongst one another.
- children are supervised, taken care of, educated, clean, fed, and LOVED!
- also, all children must be given something that is Theirs & theirs only, if they do not have one. Circumstances will dictate what it will be.

Children are divided into relatively sensible age groups, and give separate, SAFE, MONITORED places to play. They will need some sort of social work to keep track of the various complex cases. Teachers would be nice, but teach them anything, they will learn. That social worker is whom a child would go to first (after a parent) if they have some sort of government need. Goals with the children:
- every day a child must wash before eating
- eat two MEALs per day
- the children MUST have the opportunity to earn or otherwise procure snacks
- there will be extended, monitored play hours
- once or twice a day the children will have to stand still and learn something. Preferably something important, but at this point, it's all important.

All of the women are in charge of organizing the work forces. The work forces will contain primarily high schoolers and grown men and women. These work force's goal: every "family" or group gets a house. So there are a few goals here that will need to be tightly coordinated to be most efficient:
- clear some sites to build, find sites that are ready to be built upon,
- get the supplies needed
- a carpenter or bricklayer would be nice!
- build those houses
- wells?
- is there a civil engineer in the house?

Just don't' forget: DO IT. DO IT TODAY for a better tomorrow.
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